Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Society Bye-laws are set in accordance with the rules of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960. Rs200.00 Bombay Cases Reporter's Digest of Co-operative Society (Applicable to Maharashtra & Goa) 1975-2019 Please Note: Price of the book includes Delivery Charge Rs. Rs100.00 Manorama Prakashan's How to Run the Housing Societies? by Adv. Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Pdf Rs165.00 Sakal Prakashan's Society Bye Law by Manisha Prabhu | Gruhnirman Sanstheche Sulabh Vyavasthapan | Co-Operative Housing Society Maharashtra Cooperative Housing Society Bye Laws Pdf In Marathi Language

Rs325.00 Mahiti Pravah Publication's Land demand proposal for Co-operative Housing Society by Deepak Puri Rs165.00 Aarti & Company's Model Bye-Laws of Co-Operative Housing Society By CA.

Rs325.00 Our Society by Deepak Puri | Mahiti Pravah Publication Rs695.00 Hind Law House's The Co-operative Housing Societies New Model Bye-Laws by A. Rs225.00 Aarti & Company's Law & Practice of Housing Societies In Maharashtra by CA. Rs280.00 Hind Law House's Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws by Adv.

This book contains Co-operative housing Society Registration, Deemed Conveyance, Redevelopment of. Rs360.00 Chaudhari Law Publisher's Co-operative Housing Societies Manual in Marathi by Sudhir Birje | सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्था कामकाज संहिता Includes :GR for procedure for issuing Deemed Conveyance Order & Certificate dt. Ten important changes made therein are explained as under by Adv.Ġ reviews / Write a review Related Books Snow White's New Model Bye-Laws of the Co-operative Housing Society (Flat Type] After approval of the Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune given vide letter dated. These Bye Laws have been printed in English & Marathi by the Mumbai District Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd. (3) An amendment shall be deemed to have been duly passed, if a resolution in that behalf is passed at a general meeting by not less than two-thirds of the members present thereat, and voting. (2) The society shall give due notice in accordance with its bye-laws to all the members for considering any amendment thereof. Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws for Block Owners (Marathi)